Triple Horse Studios was founded by Producer / Director Karl Horstmann to serve solely as the production company and services solution for his passion... storytelling. At its core it is a Content Creation Company with extensive technical capabilities built to ensure excellence and timeliness in each of Horstmann's productions carrying his projects from development, physical production, and completely through the post process. “In filmmaking, no one ever asks what the budget was, they just judge what they experience - high quality is the price of admission and expected by our audiences…” Hortsmann said, “it is important to get it right as our hope is to entertain and impact people in that dark room, the one place they may let their walls down for just a moment and where it only takes a single errant shot or sound to knock someone out of their experience.” Triple Horse Studios’ Atlanta facility houses stages, scenic operations, camera, lighting and grip equipment provision as well as post-production services including screening rooms, editorial, sound, visual effects, color grade, and finishing.